The 14th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management

The 14th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management

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The 14th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management 

"Green Environment & Low Carbon Society Towards Sustainability for Mankind Wellness" 

May 20-21, 2025
At Bangsaen Heritage Hotel
Saen Suk, Chon Buri District, Chon Buri, Thailand


The environmental problems have been globally encountered, particularly the global warming episodes. Rapid industrialization and inappropriate agriculture as well as urbanization not only cause air pollution, water pollution, and improper solid waste management but also climate change. Additionally, disaster by flood and drought have been confronted in Thailand. One more challenge aspect regarding the   environmental and health impacts, ones need to think of the solution by Green Environment and Low carbon Society.

Accordingly, Thailand shall put all efforts to make solutions for such mentioned environmental problems and challenge.  Novel technology, innovation, and management approaches are required to recommend the appropriate practical solutions. Integration of engineering and scientific knowledge with other knowledge fields 
are very necessary to be meaningfully performed towards the Sustainability for the Mankind Wellness

The Environmental Engineering Association of Thailand (EEAT), founded in 1984, of which the main purpose is to serve as an environmental engineering and science professional center, providing academic information and technologies on environmental pollution protection and control as well as environmental management. As environmental subjects have been a national and worldwide concern, EEAT will be the platform for knowledge management of environmental concerns by organizing the annual National and International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management.

The main objective of the conference is to share and exchange knowledge among researchers, scientists, engineers, and other practitioners by presenting research work and practical work as well as the relevant case studies. This can be an advantage to not only solving national and local environmental problems, but also strengthening the network of environmental institutes, organizations, and other concerning agencies.

The 24th National and the 14th International Conferences will be jointly organized with Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Faculty of Public Health, Burapha University. The conference will comprise keynote/invited speakers, oral and poster presentations.

Conference Topics

Content of Symposium


Important Dates (Abstract Extension)
January 1, 2025 First Announcement
March 14, 2025 Abstract submission deadline
March 28, 2025 Authors notified of acceptance
April 10, 2025 Full paper submission deadline
May 20-21, 2025 Conference

• Presenter

Extended Abstract

Full Paper

• Participant




The papers accepted for both oral and poster presentation will be published as follows.

Registration Fees
Bank Transfer

Payment account :

Bank Name Siam Commercial Bank
Branch Soi Areesamphan Branch, Bangkok    THAILAND  (Code of branch 0056)
5 Soi Arisamphan Rama VI, Samsen Nai, Phaya Thai, Bangkok 10400 , THAILAND
Account Name Environmental Engineering
Association of Thailand
122/4 Soi Rawadee, Rama VI Rd.,  Phayathai, Bangkok 10400, THAILAND
Account Savings Account
Account Number 056-2-32298-0

Symposium Venue

Special Event
EEAT is Proudly Sponsored By


Thank You to Our Sponsors for Their Generous Support!

Environmental Engineering Association of Thailand (EEAT)

Tel: (662) 617-1530-1   Fax: (662) 279-9720   
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

